Substance Use Disorder
Facing addiction means knowing people don’t have to be perfect in the journey. The path to recovery is different for everyone, but it will include a return to use or relapse for many people.
Moving a child to college is an exciting time for parents and students. The future looks bright, but it can also be daunting and scary, especially when it comes to the possibilities of exposure to drugs and alcohol.
The drastic increase in opioid overdose deaths is largely due to Fentanyl poisoning. Illegal Fentanyl is cheaper than most other drugs on the streets and is being intentionally substituted into cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and other drugs to make more money and get people hooked.
Addiction doesn’t just impact the person suffering from the disease, but their family and friends as well. This support network often feels helpless and discouraged as they watch a loved one’s situation deteriorate.
The most commonly used addictive substance following alcohol and tobacco is marijuana. Also known as weed, pot or dope, the term marijuana refers to the flowering portion of the cannabis plant used for recreational purposes.
The Oklahoma State University A&M Board of Regents today approved the appointment of noted researcher Dr. Don Kyle as chief executive officer for the National Center for Wellness and Recovery (NCWR) based at Oklahoma State’s Center for Health Sciences in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Research is showing that alcohol sales are up since the start of the pandemic. With ongoing isolation and boredom, people may be turning to alcohol to cope with the stress.
The term “wellness” can have a variety of definitions depending on who you ask. Some will suggest that wellness is an active pursuit of strong physical health through regular exercise, mindfulness and a healthy diet. While others might believe that wellness is a state of spiritual well-being, mental clarity or intellect.
When a close friend finds out they have Alzheimer’s disease or cancer, our hearts instantly stir with empathy and compassion. We begin thinking of ways we can help our friend and their family prepare for a long health battle.
In 2019, more than 9 million adults in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 25 were diagnosed with at least one mental health condition while also being diagnosed with a substance use disorder.